Case Management

The Shorefront JCC provides a broad array of critical social services with the goal of empowering our clients to...
Learn MoreHomebound Case Management

Our homebound clients receive in-home visits followed by targeted services tailored to their unique needs. All services that are...
Learn MoreImmigration Services

SJCC has been working with immigrants for over 30 years. Our specialists can assist clients with a variety of...
Learn MoreHolocaust Survivor Services

Shorefront JCC provides a multi-prong program that assists Holocaust Survivors with emergency financial assistance, applications to the Alpha Omega...
Learn MoreFood Pantry Services

Shorefront Jewish Community Council is on the forefront of the fight against hunger. SJCC has one of the largest...
Learn MoreJob Training Assistance

Shorefront JCC partners with local area professionals to provide real life job training both in our classrooms and in...
Learn MoreLegal Services

SJCC partners with Legal Services New York (LSNY) and other local attorneys to provide free legal consultation in our...
Learn MoreEnglish as a Second Language Classes

Shorefront Jewish Community Council has hosted very successful ESOL classes for the past 9 years. Our classes are in...
Learn MoreI came to the US in 2011 from Uzbekistan and started ESL classes at SJCC in 2012. I first became a home attendant and because of the skills I learned at SJCC I was able to help my clients navigate situations in English. I was then able to take a course to become a hair dresser. I now work at a salon in Manhattan. This is all because of the ESL classes I was able to take at SJCC.