Technology Classes

Free Technology Classes
Available in English and Russian.
WeeK 1 – Computer Basics
Week 2 – Introduction to Email
Week 3 – Internet
Week 4 – Google Suite
Week 5 – Social Media
Please view/download this PDF for information on groups being formed and other details.
I was the breadwinner for my family. I was a truck driver but for a long time I experienced severe pain in my leg. The pain turned out to be cancer and I was not able to return to my job. We soon fell behind on our rent and started getting threatening eviction notices. I had heard about SJCC from a friend and stopped in to see if there was anything they could do to help my family. I was connected with an attorney who helped me in court and stay our eviction. I the worked with my case manager to apply for emergency financial assistance to help pay the rent arrears. We also were able to get food assistance through the food pantry. Without SJCC we would not have been able to get through this challenging time in our lives.