Passover Food Distribution
The Leader Family Food Pantry at SJCC is excited to again this year host a large Passover food distribution. Since the introduction of the virtual pantry system to the pantry we have been able to reach clients who prior to now were not access the help they needed. Now with more clients and more of a focus on individualized needs we will host five distributions through the month of April.
Clients are able to chose the food that they are most in need of via iPads at the pantry or remotely via our online portal. A typical family of four will receive matzah, matzah ball mix, tuna, gefilte fish, grape juice, canned mushrooms, canned tomato sauce, oil, ketchup, mayonnaise, chicken, onions, potatoes and eggs.
The Leader Family Food Pantry at SJCC distributes food to clients monthly all year round. If you know of anyone in need of assistance with food insecurity and needs help from the food pantry and/ or obtaining SNAP benefits please reach out to our food pantry staff at 718-743-0575 Ext 7506
I came to the US in 2011 from Uzbekistan and started ESL classes at SJCC in 2012. I first became a home attendant and because of the skills I learned at SJCC I was able to help my clients navigate situations in English. I was then able to take a course to become a hair dresser. I now work at a salon in Manhattan. This is all because of the ESL classes I was able to take at SJCC.